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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Let's Get This Party......I mean BLOGGING Started!!!

Hey LGBT community, 

My Partner and I are both artists and internet GEEKs,  so we decided to combine our loves and start blogging about GAY ART.  IF you are a Gay artist, musician, writer, designer, photographer, model, anything GAY and you would like to showcase your works, dates of gallery openings, record debuts, WHATEVER IT IS ....... tell us about your lives! 

Any questions, comments IDEAS will be truly appreciated at this exciting stage of growth and building.  Our idea and purpose is to LINK and share as much creativity as possible in the LGBT community.  We are  here to do the work but NEED your HELP to share your creativity.  So please bookmark our BLOG and look for weekly  entries on LGBT artists in action. 

Pass the word about our new venture in blogging and email us at livelifeloud12@yahoo.com to get your story and or images uploaded to the site.  We would love to network with all LGBT community sites....SHARE THE LOVE, and LiveLifeLoud!

LiveLifeLoud Chicks


Peg said...

It's so nice to have another GLBT blog, especially one for the artistic side of our community.

Thanks for the add, and may I suggest, if you haven't already, that you join Blog Catalog? I get a ton of hits from that site.

Please stop by my blog as often as you are able. I'm not artistic but have started to post some horrible videos of me playing the guitar. Do you think that could count?

Best regards!


Annie Thomas-Burke said...

I have one, or several as well.
I'll add you to the blogroll asap!